Any legal angler who has released or harvested one qualifying fish may apply to become a Master Angler as long as the following rules have been followed.
- All Minnesota-licensed anglers are eligible. Youth divisions are for anglers age 16 and under at the time of the catch. Resident anglers under 16 do not need a license.
- Fish must be taken during the legal open season and hours in Minnesota waters by a person licensed or otherwise legally entitled to angle in Minnesota.
- Harvested fish must be weighed on a certified scale.
- Released fish must be measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail.
- Each entry must be accompanied by a color side-view photograph of the fish to verify species. Photos of released fish must be taken at the site of the catch. Catch and release entries with questionable photo locations will not be accepted, no exceptions. Fish that have been obviously mishandled will not be eligible.
- Entries must be submitted on the official entry form. Anglers may only submit one entry per year per species.
- Entries with poor quality photos, ineligible or incomplete forms will be disqualified.
- Each entry may be reviewed by the awards committee, whose decision on acceptance is final.
- The awards program runs from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Fish from a previous year may be registered before May 1st of the following year.
- All entries and photos become property of the Fishing Hall of Fame of Minnesota and may be displayed on this site or on our Facebook pages. The Hall of Fame is not responsible for lost or damaged entries.
- The act of submission constitutes permission to publish, disseminate or otherwise use image, likeness, or name in association with Fishing Hall of Fame promotions without compensation.