Minnesota Master Angler - Brady Baxter

Brady Baxter did, on October 17, 2019, caught and Released by sportfishing method from Minnesota waters a 51" Muskellunge and is hereby recognized as an official Minnesota Master Angler.
Fish Catch Details
- Angler Name: Brady Baxter
- Angler Home: Detroit Lakes, MN
- Date of Catch: October 17, 2019
- County: Becker
- Lake/River: Detroit Lake
- Species: Muskellunge
- Size: 51"
- Catch Was: Released
- Catch Story: I’ve been chasing muskies ever since my grandpa caught one on my boat 2 years ago. I’ve been out in the coldest, crappiest open-water conditions Minnesota can dish out. My fingers and toes have nearly froze numerous times, and I had nothing to show for it for 2 years...until that night. Everything changed that night. It was worth the wait. Here’s how it went down... It was 6:30 pm and I had been trolling with a 15” sucker since 10 am. My reel began clicking and I thought it was a weed. I mean, it had been weeds every other time for the past two years, so I didn’t even get excited. Nonetheless, I let him take it for about 30 seconds, when he started to move away from the boat, and I set the hook. I fought him for only about 1 minute before I saw his head. That’s when things got interesting... He then turned toward the boat and got off the hook. NO!!!!!! I was calm though and slowly reeled my line in. I could see him following my minnow all the way up to the boat, so I stopped and let the minnow sit there, 2 feet away from me. The musky came up, looked at the minnow, slammed it and darted off!! My heart started racing again. I told myself he was not getting away this time! I gave it 15 seconds or so, and set the hook again, as hard as I could. This time he was hooked and we netted him! The fish was out of the water for no more than 30 seconds (I took 2 pictures, to assure I got a good one!). I then put him back and acclimated him to the water again and he took off into the abyss. Best day of fishing, ever. 51” Muskie in the books! I will never forget this fish.
- Witness Name: Jason Hanson
- Witness Home: Fargo, ND
Official Certificate