Minnesota Master Angler - Brady Baxter

Brady Baxter did, on June 7, 2020, caught and Released by sportfishing method from Minnesota waters a 53" Muskellunge and is hereby recognized as an official Minnesota Master Angler.
Fish Catch Details
- Angler Name: Brady Baxter
- Angler Home: Hawley, MN
- Date of Catch: June 7, 2020
- County: Becker
- Lake/River: Detroit Lake
- Species: Muskellunge
- Size: 53"
- Catch Was: Released
- Catch Story: I was out Walleye fishing with a friend in early June--the weekend of Muskie opener. We were both using medium rods with 8 lb. line to snap jig small sucker minnows on a 1/16 oz jigs. I got a bite, so I set the hook. It was odd. What felt like an average bite turned into what felt like a snag. I knew the area well though and there was nothing to get snagged on other than a few few lone Hydrillas. No, this felt like a log! Before long, it moved and I caught a glimpse of the monster as it emerged near my boat. It was the biggest fish I had ever seen in my life, and in it's mouth was small Pike! I had caught the Pike first, and the Muskie (almost instantly) attacked the Pike. 5 minutes later, after rising and diving multiple times, I a landed a 53" Muskie...on 8 lb. line!! A once in a lifetime experience, for sure. After a quick picture, she went back into the water and swam away. What a catch!!
- Witness Name: Jason Hanson
- Witness Home: Fargo, ND
Official Certificate