Those We Honor

You’ll find more than just fishing celebrities in this list. One can make a significant impact
on the lives of many without ever being well known. It is important to honor all of
those who had a great influence on the great sport of fishing, whether famous or not.
Corporate advances tend to be much more visible to us. For it’s their products that
shape the evolution of the sport of fishing.

Frank Schneider Jr.

Frank Schneider Jr.

Inducted 2003

Frank Schneider Jr. was an avid angler, hunter, conservationist and citizen-activist who, for more then 35 years, worked doggedly for Minnesota’s hunters and anglers – for no pay and little glory. He is one of the state’s conservation legends who worked tirelessly on his own time at the state Capitol and at the meeting rooms around the state of hunters and anglers. While no one person can be credited with the following accomplishments, Frank was a driving force behind making Minnesota a great muskie state; banning commercial walleye netting on Lake of the Woods and Rainy; and funneling millions of dollars from the state lottery into our natural resources.

For somebody who has never served in government or held elective office, he’s had a profound impact on public policy. Frank had a long involvement in Muskies, Inc, where he served as a president and treasurer for most of its early existence, and Regional Vice President in later years. Muskies were a passion, although he fished – and fought for – all species. He pushed to ban winter spearing on some lakes to protect the muskie population (a controversial issue that earned him bullet holes in his fishing boat). He also pushed the DNR to stock muskies in more lakes.

Frank championed catch-and-release fishing for all species. He lobbied for more restrictive regulations to improve fishing for everyone. And he regularly supported funding increases for natural resources. Frank’s efforts haven’t gone unacknowledged. He is a member of the Fishing Hall of Fame of Minnesota, was twice honored by the Minnesota DNR for meritorious services, was named “Sportsman of the Year” by the Minnesota Association of Farmers, Landowners and Sportsmen, and was named “Man of the Year” by Outdoor News.